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Request for reimbursement of travel expenses abroad

Partners' Institution
Istituto Professionale Di Stato Francesco Datini
Istituto “F.Datini” - Prato
To be used for
Follow up
Useful for
The tool is produced by anyone taking part in a mobility project abroad and is addressed to the school Principal. It clearly defines all the different costs incurred during the project life for which reimbursement is requested.
The tool is divided into different sections, covering the distinct expenses the applicant has incurred. The main part of the costs refers to travel costs, but also accommodation and food and beverage costs are included, as well as other costs.
For each of the expenses supporting documents are requested.
The document also contains a declaration, from the applicant, that he/she has not received other indemnities or reimbursements from third parties; that he/she has not received the mission advance; that all expenses for which reimbursement is requested were strictly indispensable for the mission; that he/she has not requested and will not request refunds from third parties.
The tool, thus, proves to be very precise and itemized, so as to guarantee the reimbursement is suitably granted.
The tool can be used by mobility projects participants during the follow up phase.
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