This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Representative of the Project partner institutions met in Valencia for the final meeting of the SoftMob project . The meeting was hosted by the project Coordinator FEVEC - Federacion Valenciana De Empresarios De La Construccion. The meeting was a key opportunity to check the latest functionalities and improvements of the Software for mobilities.
Project partners also discussed and shared the the results reached so far with reference to the ongoing testing activities and reflect on the feedbacks (indeed very positive) provided by the end users.
Some 50 italian VET teachers and trainers participated in presence and more than 100 joined virtually the Multiplier event with which Istituto Datini promoted the Software for Mobility as an effective and efficient tool to improve Mobility projects management.
FEVEC, with the support of Associacio Empresarial Alqueria Projectes Educatius organised the Multiplier Event in order to present the SoftMob project and its main Output, the Software for Mobility to potential users and stakeholders. The event was attended by 32 vocational training teachers from VET Centers in the provinces of Valencia and Alicante all interested and involved in the Erasmus + mobilities. More infos are available at:
Finally project partners representatives had the opportunity to meet again in presence. The 6th meeting of the project took place in Kilkis (EL) on 2 May 2022. The meeting was hosted by Epimorfotiki Kilkis. The meeting focused on the full review of the latest release of the Software for mobilities and of the new functionalities and improvements implemented.
Project partners also planned and discussed the testing activities and the creation of the Video Tutorials and of the Manual that will help end users in make full use of the Software Platform for the improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency in organising mobilities. The Dissemination and Sustainability activities were also monitored and discussed, including the organisation of the Multiplier Events.
Project partners are currently in the process of organising and implementing the testing activities in order to explore all the Software new and old functionalities and challenge the Software in its capacity to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of mobility project management. Partners are also preparing the video tutorials that will help users in master all Software features.
Project partnership met virtually on 11 March 2022. The meeting focused on the planning of the testing activities of the Software including the creation of the impact and assessment plan with which the project partner will present the evaluation of the end users and propose useful hints on how to make full use of the Software to improve mobility management effectiveness. Project partners also discussed and assigned the video tutorials on how to use the Software.
The second full release of the Software for Mobility is has been published and it is ready to be presented to the project partners for the full testing and implementation activities.
The second full release of the Software for Mobility is now almost ready. New functionalities, new graphics, less bugs are coming soon.
Video Guides are now available to provide guidance to the users for improving their effectiveness and efficiency in managing different key aspects of Mobility Projects according to the three main phases: preparation, implementation and follow up. Full access to the Video guides is now available at:
Have a look to the Softmob project Press review: .
Project partners are disseminating the SoftMob project outputs check at: the more than 120 dissemination events organised.
Project partners are involving associated partners. Check at: the institutions that joined the project as associated partners. If you are interested to join please get in contact with us:
Project partners are currently testing the Software in order to find what is not working and to suggest improvements of the graphics, texts and functionalities.
The first release of the Manual on how to make use of the Software has been created and is now available at: The Manual will then be integrated by a set of video tutorials to make sure that none of the functionalities of the Software is left behind.
The 3rd Virtual meeting of the SoftMob project partnership took place on 21 March 2021. The meeting focused on the presentation of the first release of the Software for mobilities. Partners were introduced the functionalities that the software makes available to the different profiles of the users: project managers, VET trainers, tutors and students.
The Software for Mobility is ready for the debugging phase. The Software is now working and project partners will now invest their time in testing and debugging all its functionalities.
A full set of more than 70 among existing and new tools for effective mobility projects management, are now made available in the related section of the SoftMob Portal.
Benefit from selected and commented on templates, examples and models to be used to improve your efficiency in managing the different steps of your mobility project.
At you can access more than 20 interviews with mobility managers, hosting companies and mobility participants to learn from to better addressing the everyday challenges related to Mobility projects management.
The first operative release of the Software has been issued in preparation of the Progress report. The Software contains the first set of functionalities to allow mobility managers to improve their effectiveness and efficiency in managing their mobility projects.
On 14 October project partners met virtually in order to further discuss the oputputs developed so far and focus on the finalisation of the software plan.
The Sowftware plan has been defined and made available to project partners to be analysed, checked and commented on.
The Software plan and the feeback reports of the partners are made available in the results area (password protected).
The dedicate section hosting Tools and Templates for a more efficient and effective management of mobilities is now available!
All those that are involved in mobilities projects and initiatives can access to a collection of the most effective tools to be easily used to effectively and efficiently manage the different operative tasks that are part of a Mobility project.
The project brochure is now available in all the languages of the project partnership. The different version of the brochure can be downloaded in printable format from .
The Second Meeting of the SoftMob project took place virtually on 14 May 2020 using the BlueButton platform. All the project partners joined the meeting in order to assess and discuss the project state of art.
Within the dedicated section of the SoftMob Portal it is now possible to access the first set of the Video recording of the interviews with the protagonists of Mobility initiatives.
The interviews :
- Provide all those involved in Mobility initiatives with best practice solutions in addressing the challenge they experience in their everyday activities.
- Analyse specific needs in terms of possible functionalities to be implemented in the Software for Mobility Management
Project partners are currently carrying out the interviews with the protagonists of Mobility initiatives in VET in order to understand their needs to be then answered through the Software for Moibility management. The interviews involve representatives of sending and hosting institutions, participants to mobility initiatives and companies.
The interviews address the following issues:
- Characteristics of the mobility project
- Impact of the mobility project and how it was measured
- Main point of strengths and weaknesses of the experience
- Challenges and problems faced and solutions adopted
The downloadable and printable english version of the SoftMob project brochure is now available at: . Soon the brochure will be available also in all the languages represented within the consortium.
The Portal dedicated to the SoftMob project is now available. The Portal will host and provide access to the main deliverables of the project as the Software and Toolkit for Mobility through dedicated sections. The Portal will also provides updated information about the project activities and related results.
The Kick-off meeting took place in Florence on 19 - 20 December 2019. Mª Carmen Asensi, María Lladró Ortí and Andrea Peraldo presented the project and the activities to be carried out to the partners. The meeting was also an opportunity for the partners to get to know each other and to discuss all details related to the project expected results. The partners discussed the implementation of the activities related to the creation of the testimonials and to the identification and review of tools to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of Mobility Project management. At the end of the meeting all the partners had a clear view of the project implementation, of the financial rules and of the dissemination and exploitation strategies.
The SoftMob – Software for Mobilities project has been funded by the European Commission through the Spanish National Agency - Servicio Español Para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE) ( ) with the aim of providing all actors playing a part in mobility projects and experiences with a platform to help them to reduce the administrative and management burden and concentrate on the quality of the contents.