This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


The project partners organised and participated in conferences and multiplier events in order to present the SoftMob project results and to promote the use of the Software for Mobility Management among potential stakeholders.

SoftMob presented during the Erasmus Day organised by the Comunidad Valenciana

Date: 07-07-2022
Location: Valencia

The representatives of ALPE (ES) partner of the project, were asked to present SoftMob results and the Software for Mobility during the Erasmus day organised by the Valencia Region. The event was a great opportunity to inform potential users about the benefits that the Software can bring to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of Mobility projects management.

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Multiplier events in Latvia - Presentation of the Software for Mobilities to Latvian VET sector

Date: 01-07-2022
Location: Latvia

Riga State Technical University of SoftMob project no. No. 2019-1-ES01-KA202-064119, project Multiplier event were held at Liepāja State Technical School, Ventspils Technical School, Jelgava Technical School, Daugavpils Construction Technical School and Daugavpils Technology and Tourism Technical School.
A total of five events were held, the purpose of which was to tell about the project, its activities and, of course, about the result of the project, or the platform that facilitates the process of organizing and managing mobility.

The first visit took place on May 19, 2022 at Liepnjas Valsts tehnikums/ Liepaja, Latvia, when Sandra Bidzāne, the head of the project department of the Riga State Technical School, Arita Ošiņa, the main project specialist, and Anastasija Soloveičika, the project specialist, told about the project, its goals, tasks, target groups, and the platform that helps the project for drivers engaged in mobility trips.

The second visit was on May 20, 2022, where the project department visited the Ventspils technical school. During the event, it was not only possible to learn everything about the project, but also to practically learn how to work with the platform and enter all the necessary data.

The third visit took place on June 7, 2022 at the Jelgava Technical School. Technical project specialists and employees were introduced to the project, as well as practically performed platform research and data entry. The participants of the event admitted that at the first moment it seems that they need to spend a lot of time to enter all the necessary information, but later admitted that the platform saves many things and it is not necessary to enter them a second time.

The fourth visit took place on June 30, 2022 at Daugavpils Construction Technical School. The head of the project department, Sandra Bidzāne, told about the implemented projects, including the SoftMob project, while the specialist of the project department, Anastasija Solovejčika, worked practically with the participants of the event. Each participant had access to the project platform and each could enter all the necessary information and data. At the end, there were discussions about the advantages of using the platform and the possibilities of using it together with foreign partners.

The last visit took place on July 1, 2022 at Daugavpils Technical School of Technology and Tourism. The purpose of Paskaum was to tell about the project, its activities and, of course, about the result of the project, or the platform, which facilitates the process of organizing and managing mobility. The head of the project department, Sandra Bidzāne, told about the implemented projects, including the SoftMob project, while Anastasija Solovejčika, a specialist of the project department, worked practically with the participants of the event, who had the opportunity to learn how to work with the platform and enter all the necessary data, as well as to understand to what extent the platform facilitates work of project managers.

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Multiplier Event in Greece for the Software for Mobilities project

Date: 24-06-2022
Location: Kilkis , Greece

At the Multiplier event participated, representatives from institutions involved in mobility projects ( schools, VET schools, Universities, public bodies
Thirty (30) representatives of educational institutions participating in mobility projects attended the Multiplier Event. They participated in or organised some mobility projects in the last five years.
The event was also attended by representatives of local (educational) bodies.
At the very beginning, an introductory video (produced in the framework of the project) was presented to the audience.
The event started with a presentation of the Erasmus+ programme by Nikolaos Georgiadis (Project administrator), who explained the Erasmus+ funding possibilities and all of its aspects. Then he used the "Plickers" tool to gather responses from the audience regarding how many of them have participated in or organised educational mobilities.
Tatiana Iliadou (EU Projets team member) presented the Software for Mobilities project, the partnership, and its primary objectives. She also briefly explained the activities and the Intellectual Output of the project.
Mr Georgiadis introduced the SoftMob portal ( and its function. Mr Georgiadis and Mr Graikos presented the Software for Mobilities platform and its functionality.
Mr Gerogiadis also presented the Toolkit for Mobility Management, some of the videos created in the project framework, and some tools/methods to help mobility organisers do their work more efficiently.
The primary goal was successfully achieved, as the persons involved in mobility were informed about the project, and the results came out of this. Most of them expressed their concerns their thoughts and altogether decided to include the SoftMob in their following mobility projects as a management tool. Epimorfotiki Kilkis ensured that it would stay at their side in any mobility initiative by providing any means and kind of support they may need.

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Multiplier Event in Italy - SoftMob project presented to teachers and trainers

Date: 31-05-2022
Location: Prato, Italy

Datini Institute, with the support of the school director, Prof.ssa Francesca Zannoni, organised the Multiplier event in order to present the Softmob project and its main output, the "Software for mobility management" to potential users.

The event was attended by teachers of secondary school: around 50 of them were attending the meeting at the “Datini” Institute, while around 100 were connected online. The teachers were participating at the final meeting of their training school year.
The event took place on May 31st 2022 in the Auditorium of the “Datini” Institute in Prato, Italy.

The speakers, Claudio Masti and Paola Bertini, on behalf of “Datini” Institute introduced the Softmob Project aims and partners and their respective fields of activity; then the audience was shown the project website, the project Youtube videos and the video tutorials created by the project partners. After that Software main functionalities were displayed: the audience was really interested and asked questions about the different aspects of the project.

The duration of the event was a full 4 hours. A light coffee break was organised as part of the event.

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Multiplier Event in Romania - Presentation of the SoftMob Project and of the Software for Mobility Management

Date: 20-05-2022
Location: Iasi, Romania

The Multiplier Event gathered 36 local participants from outside the SoftMob project partnership.
The aim of the event, concerning the involvement of target group, was to bring together staff members from the academic sector, schools, to share their experiences in international mobility experiences and to transfer to the results of the SoftMob project to extended target group.
The participants are:
36 secondary school teachers from 10 schools in Iasi and Iasi County
5 teachers from the rural schools
All the participants are working in the education sector, are from both the urban and the rural area, and their registrations for participation in the Multiplier event, have been accepted based on their interest in increasing their knowledge and competences in developing Erasmus+ projects and in the usage of the tools for supporting the organisation of mobilities.
The agenda of the event included:
- Welcome speech. Presentation of the objectives of the event
- Presentation of the Erasmus+ Programme
- About work-based learning mobility experiences. How to embed international mobility experiences in the educational sector?
- Presentation of the SoftMOB project
- Roundtable on the impact and benefits of integrating periods of work-based learning, including opportunities to apply knowledge in practical workplace situations, and embedding international mobility experiences in the education sector.
From the feedback pointed out by the participants, raised the fact that the software is the best tool a Project Manager needs in organizing and managing a mobility. All its functionalities are useful, each in its way. It is innovative and useful because it brings together all the actors involved in a mobility and it offers a complete overview of the mobility process.

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Multiplier Event in Spain - Presentación del Proyecto SOFTMOB, Software para la movilidad

Date: 10-05-2022
Location: Valencia, Spain

FEVEC, with the support of Associacio Empresarial Alqueria Projectes Educatius organised the Multiplier Event in order to present the SoftMob project and its main Output, the Software for Mobility to potential users and stakeholders.
The event was attended by 32 vocational training teachers from VET Centers in the provinces of Valencia and Alicante all interested and involved in the Erasmus + mobilities.
The Multipler Event took place on 10 May 2022 at the FEVEC facilities (Valencia) and the contents of the programme were: Presentation of the Softmob Project (Laura Reus, Technician of FEVEC); Presentation of the Softmob Platform (Sonsoles Jimenez, ALPE), Mobility experiences (Alberto Domínguez and Jose R. Miguela) and open questions.
The attendees showed great interest in the SoftMob project and in the potential use of the Software in their mobility management approaches and practices.
The duration of the event was a full 4 hours. A coffee break was organised as part of the event.

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