This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Testimonial of Alex Tortosa Soriano Spain

Partners' Institution
FEVEC - Federacion Valenciana De Empresarios De La Construccion
Thematic area covered
Mobility Preparation
Participants to Mobility

Alex Tortosa Soriano is a Spanish student. He is studying at Simarro Center a Computer Training Cycle. Last year he went as Erasmus to Martina Franca. He was working in a company called SISMOLAB that counteracted the effects of earthquakes with machines. He worked with computers, programming and assembling equipment. His opinion is that there are many documents to deliver: National identity document, Social Security, etc. He thinks we could make a software to helps students provide those documents in an easier and more standard way. He thinks the documentation issue could be improved. The same documentation was repeated on different pages. He thinks one sheet should be enough to put everything and not repeat it.