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Testimonial of Romeo Italy

Partners' Institution
Istituto Professionale Di Stato Francesco Datini
Thematic area covered
Mobility Implementation
Internal staff of Sending Institutions

Video interview created by Istituto Datini in Prato, as partner in the SoftMob – Software for Mobilities project. Due to the covid19 emergency, the interview was taken by a conference call using Google GSuite. Romeo D’Oronzio is a teacher at the “F.Datini” Insitute and he is involved in the school-work training activities. He is responsible for finding and keeping contact with the companies where the students will have their school-work training. In the video interview he explains the procedure followed in the making of the school-work training possible. He also mentions the experiences of school-work training abroad, highlighting some weaknesses still existing in the whole managing process.