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Attendance list

Partners' Institution
Epimorfotiki Kilkis
Nicolas Georgiadis
To be used for
Useful for
Sending Institutions
The attendance list is essential to follow up on the progress of the participants during mobility. It can be in paper or digital form.
Usually, the person that is responsible for the group (one of the participants, or a member of the staff of the sending organisation) is also responsible for the attendance list. He is responsible for collecting the signatures of the participants every day and send a report to the sending organisation.
With the attendance list, you can track your participants' active participation in mobility's activities.
If you don't have established a good communication system for mobility, the attendance list is useless.
The attendance list will be used from the start of the mobility (day one at the hosting organisation premises) until the end of it (last day at the hosting institution).
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