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Questionnaire to identify the risk of spreading the Coronavirus (EuroEd version) - NEW TOOL

Partners' Institution
Fundatia EuroEd
To be used for
Useful for
Hosting Institutions / Intermediary organisations
The questionnaire developed by the EuroEd Foundation aims to evaluate and prevent the spread of coronavirus among mobility participants.
The questionnaire is logically structured and has 5 items. Items 1-4 address the mobility participant's history and collect details such as: if they have been in direct contact with people confirmed positive with COVID-19 in the last 14 days, if they have participated in national / international meetings with people coming from affected areas and if they have been hospitalized (for various reasons) in the last 14 weeks.
The questionnaire also evaluates the presence of specific symptoms: fever, difficulty swallowing, and difficulty breathing or intense cough.
* Strong points
- Limits the community spread of SARS-COV-2
- Opens the way to a sincere relationship between mobility participants and the institution
* Weak points
- The usefulness of the questionnaire in question is strictly based on the sincerity of the participants in mobility
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