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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Partners' Institution
Epimorfotiki Kilkis
Nicolas Georgiadis
To be used for
Useful for
Sending Institutions
EPALE is the Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe. The "Partner Search" section giving the opportunity for organisations and individuals to search for partners who are looking to discuss ideas, exchange good practices and find other partners for funded projects.
Epale is an official portal of the European Commission. That gives to the platform the validity and the prestige needed when you're looking for a partner.
• The platform is working fairly fast.
• The platform can be used during the preparation phase by the sending institution.
• You must log in to use the platform with full functionality.
• The platform is available in 24 European languages.
Through the "Partner Search" section, you can identify the criteria for the partner you're looking for. You can add your organisation in the database but also your request for a partner (with specific capacity and experience).
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