This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Initial Questionnaire

Partners' Institution
Fundatia EuroEd
Scoala Gimnaziala Marin Preda, Jud. Arges
To be used for
Useful for
Sending Institutions
This is an initial questionnaire applied to teachers who want to apply for mobilities, in order to identify their interests, availability and degree of involvement in the projects carried out by the institution. The questionnaire is very well organized, and it is structured in the following sections:
1. Understanding European education systems and English language level
2. Aspects related to the online dissemination of the project and the contribution to the development of a positive institutional image
3. Contribution to increasing the project quality
4. Issues related to the applicability of the knowledge acquired in mobility
5. Predicting the impact of the Erasmus mobility on personal, institutional and student development.
Being applied right from the beginning of the selection process, the questionnaire in question has the role of selecting people who correspond to a specific profile, one which is suitable for mobilities.
Although it is an initial questionnaire, it also takes into consideration aspects related to the dissemination of the project after the completion of the mobility.
It is an objective, non-discriminatory questionnaire and it offers equal opportunities to everyone.
It informs the mobility applicants about the responsibilities deriving from their participation (completion of the necessary documents, evaluation and dissemination).
The questionnaire has transferability potential and can be easily adapted to the general requirements of a mobility. We suggest keeping the following items:

1. I am interested in a better understanding of European education systems and International School practices.

a) Yes b) No c) I'm not interested

2. I want to increase school performance in our unit and improve its positive image in the community.

a) Yes b) No c) Not interested

3. Please indicate your level of English proficiency

English understanding......, writing..........., speaking.........

If you know other languages, please specify which other foreign language(s) you know and what your level of proficiency is

Language .......................................... understanding......, writing..........., speaking.........

4. Do you have time to complete documents specific to European mobilities and to participate in the dissemination and evaluation activities presented in the Teaching Council?

a) yes b) no

5. Do you want to use online platforms to implement the Erasmus + project in our school?

a) yes b) no

6. Are you willing to work on the E-Twining platform to initiate new online partnerships with students?

a) yes b) no

7. Will you attend meetings with parents to present your experiences and propose new activities with students?

a) yes b) no

8. Describe below the impact that your participation in a course abroad will have on
• students ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
• the institution ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
• yourself ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
9. How do you intend to use the knowledge gained in your activity?
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