This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Budgeting- Authorization

Partners' Institution
Istituto Professionale Di Stato Francesco Datini
Istituto “F.Datini”
To be used for
Useful for
Hosting Institutions / Intermediary organisations
The tool has been created to provide communication as far as the authorization that “F. Datini” Institute has received to carry out the activities concerning a PON Project, funded on the ESF (European Social Funds).
PON Specific Objective 10.1- Action 10.1.6. Orientation, continuity and support actions for the choice of training, university and work paths
The authorization is directed to the planning of a course of 30 hours, aimed at providing students with orientation paths.
The tool includes a final certificate stating that the students participated in the project indicated above, co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF), for a number of 27 hours equal to or greater than 75% of the total number of hours foreseen by the module. The articulation of the form and its contents are indicated in the annex to the certificate.
The tool is signed by the Principal of the “F.Datini” Institute.
The above-mentioned tool provides a simple, but effective instrument to inform all actors, internal and external to the institution, about the fact that “F.Datini” Institute has participated to the call for grants of the FSE and has won it.
The tool complies with the obligation of transparency and maximum disclosure, therefore it states that all documents of public interest relating to the development of the project (Notices, Announcements, Advertising, etc.) are made visible on the website and on the Register of the school.
Another point of strength is the inclusion of the Certificate of attendance, which is a fundamental document for the students who take part in the project.
Its weaker part is the lack of more detailed information about the structure of the course funded, apart the general declaration that it covers 30 hours.
The tool can be used in the implementation phase of the mobility.
It can be used by the sending and the hosting institutions.
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