This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Guide on Mobility Certificates

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The guide helps creating certificates for the participants in an effortless and organized manner.
This video guide focuses on the management of the process for issuing final certificates to mobility participants. In mobilities, there are no restrictions regarding the number of participants. Usually, it ranges from one to twenty people depending on the type and objectives of the mobility.
A certification of participation is administered by the host institution, which includes various information for the mobility and the participants. This sort of information includes the names of the participants, the institutions they represent, the project title, the name of the host institution, the location in which the mobility took place and also the time schedule. In this manner, the certification acts as confirmation that all attendees participated in the mobility. Most of the time, it is signed by both the sending and host institutions.
In practice, each partner that provides training is obliged to have a template, and to use it to publish its very own certification depending on the project and they type of the training it provides. If you don’t already have one, there are many free templates circulating online which can inspire you and give initiatives, ideas or even to reevaluate your current one. After the selection of template that reflects our organization (or using the already established one), we have to fill in the blanks. That includes the participants personal information which will be sent for printing. However, this process this process refers to more than 5 participants, it can be time consuming and quite tedious.

So, to simplify the aforementioned we can Microsoft Word’s mailing function. To achieve this, we need 2 basic elements.
1. The template with our organization’s certification
2. An excel file to draw our information from, so we can in turn use them on the certifications.
To prepare this particular excel file, we have to create a spreadsheet with the list of columns we will use. For example, SURNAME NAME AND INSTITUTION (listed on their respective columns) and then we insert our data, in our case we list the information of participants.
After completing that process, we move on to the next step which is the <> between the two files. To achieve this link, we use the mailing embedded in Microsoft Word, from there we click on the SELECT RECIPIENTS function and choose USE AN EXISTING MAILING LIST. This allows to freely choose our excel file from the file browser.
After we have achieved in establishing a connection between the two files, we can add the DATA REFERENCE to our template. How do we do this you may ask.
1. Click in the space you want to place the merged data
2. Click on “Insert Merged Field”
3. Select the name of the column you want to add
4. The name will appear in the desired place
The final step is the extraction of the certificate’s final form:
1. Click on “Finish & Merge”
2. Select “Edit Individual Documents”
3. The final version of the Certificates will be appeared on a new Word document.