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Participants Selection (Epimorfotiki version) - NEW TOOL

Partners' Institution
Nicolas Georgiadis
To be used for
Useful for
Sending Institutions
First of all, participants have to fill an online form, in which they express their interest in participating in mobility.
Then they interviewed by specified staff of Epimorfotiki.
After that, a table is formed by the individual score of each candidate. As the participants' selection is one of the most important procedures regarding mobility, to carry out a fair and transparent selection, the selectors have to be informed in advance on the assessment criteria and procedures: to avoid impartiality or misunderstandings it is important to have a reference document explaining how to evaluate each candidate and how to report the score assigned.
The participants' selection contains transparent procedures.
The staff of the sending organisation can use it, during the "participants' selection" phase.
It's an "easy to use" tool.
You can adapt the procedures accordingly to your organisation and needs.
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