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Europass mobility

Partners' Institution
Epimorfotiki Kilkis
Nicolas Georgiadis
To be used for
Follow up
Useful for
The Europass Mobility Document is a standard document in use throughout Europe that records an individual's participation in an organized mobility experience in another European country (European Union/EFTA/EEA and candidate countries).
Europass Mobility Document formally records details of the skills and competences acquired by an individual during a period of mobility. It aims to:
• boost transparency and visibility of European mobility experiences helping holders to show better what they have gained through this experience, particularly in knowledge, skills and competences
• encourage recognition of experiences gained abroad
• promote European mobility for learning purposes, by making its results more visible
The mobility experience (e.g. through programmes such as Erasmus, Erasmus+ etc.) is monitored by two partner organisations, the first in the country of origin and the second in the host country. Both partners agree on the purposes or contents, objectives, duration, methods and monitoring of the Europass Mobility experience. A mentor is identified in the host country. The partners may be universities, schools, training centres, companies, VET providers, NGOs etc. Europass Mobility is intended for any person undergoing a mobility experience in a European country, of whatever age, educational level and occupational status.
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