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Guide on Dissemination

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The video guides mobility organizers in setting up a dissemination process. In this video tutorial we will focus on how to make a dissemination and get the most out of it.
In order to help the mobility organisers the Video Guide addresses the following points:

- Disseminating our project through different channels is very important.

- Activities aimed at communicating and disseminating the results to showcase the work done is where we publicize our project successes so that the impact of the project is maximized.

- By publicizing our project, we are promoting the wider community to benefit from the activities and experiences of the Erasmus+ program. The results of the project can serve as an example and inspire others by showing the possibilities of these programs. And one of the main objectives is that in this way we are supporting the improvement of the education and training systems of the European Union.

- For a good dissemination it is important that we make our own ACTION PLAN. This plan will help us to carry out, in an effective way, the communication and dissemination activities of all the results obtained in our Erasmus + project.

- In any dissemination plan it is very important to know who the target group is. The communication and dissemination activities, as well as the messages must be adapted to our target audience.

- To reach more people, it is important to use as many communication channels as possible.

- Knowing the right moment to disseminate the project is also important to have a greater impact.